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Do you ever feel like you're not yourself? Do you ever find yourself saying things you don't mean? Do you ever feel like you are controlled by things or people beyond yourself? Do you ever feel like you are living a life that is stifled by early life experiences that threaten your peace of mind? Do you wish you could feel truly free and in charge of yourself, your decisions, your life and how you choose to focus your time and energy? If so then here you will learn how you can permanently release the mind programming that has hijacked your mind and life away from you.
Are you surprised by the concept that you are actually not fully "in control" of your choices, your thoughts, your perceptions, your feelings, your behaviours, and ultimately your life? Well if so I ask you to notice how many times in your day you find yourself making choices that go against your heart's desires and it will become obvious to you that you are not at the helm.
How or why could this be? Well let me employ a computer metaphor. Have you ever been unfortunate enough to have a computer virus hijack your computer? If so you'll appreciate how helpless and frustrating this can feel. As you know a computer virus is a piece of programming that assumes control of some or all of the hard drive away from the preinstalled functional software you had installed. When the former takes over the latter becomes non-functional.
Well in the same way when you grow up as a child you become conditioned to "fit in" in order to survive. In many cases this means suppressing your true self and your true heartfelt desires in order to quench fears of not fitting in and therefore perishing. Those fears are laid down in negative memories of each experience where your survival has been threatened. It is those memories that act like the computer virus. The only difference is that now the computer happens to be your "mind". In other words your mind is no longer under your control.
Now for many of you this may either sound preposterous or too painful to acknowledge. You may find yourself challenging what is being said here and certainly you are welcome to do that. For those of you for whom this feels like it has some truth to it I will ask you to try the following if you wish.
Place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking from there simply affirm to yourself that what has been said here feels true. Then notice what you feel there. Many will experience an increasing level of clarity, feelings of lightness, a surge of energy, an expansion, a feeling of hopefulness and other similar positive sensations. This positive experience is "you" returning to and reintegrating with your mind/body. In other words you are reclaiming ownership of your real estate! Does this feel empowering?
Indeed, empowerment is our natural state and represents you "in control" of your mind/body. In order to fully take charge however it becomes necessary to purge or "uninstall" the mind programming software that has hijacked your life away from you.
To learn more about how this can take place or to request a free introductory telephone consultation kindly visit the web site below.