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Jump Into Beginner Witchcraft Today

Jump Into Beginner Witchcraft Today

Jump Into Beginner Witchcraft Today

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 Jump Into Beginner Witchcraft Today

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Witchcraft is an ancient practice that dates back to the bible and can best be described as the practice of magical arts. During the Middle Ages, in order to learn beginner witchcraft there was an initiation process consisting of two requirements. The first was that the witch joins out of their own will and the second was that they embrace evil thoughts and spells. In today's world, this is not the case! There are currently some 80,000 people practicing white magic just in the U.S.!

So if you are interested in beginner witchcraft but don't know where to get started, you are in the right place! There are hundreds of different resources and it can be confusing not knowing which one to turn to and which ones should be avoided. Here are some quick tips to introduce you to beginner witchcraft and make things a little less confusing:

1. Decide which topics you are most interested in so that you can focus on them. Also, try to start with just 2 or 3 because you will get overwhelmed if you try to learn more than that at one time. When I first began my studies, I chose to learn about healing techniques and divination.

2. Once you know what you want to study, divide each subject into smaller topics. Let's say you choose to learn about herbs... you have the option of learning the scientific side, the magical side or the healing side.

3. Finally, you need to find teachers that you can trust. Please be careful here because there are a lot of people who are not qualified to be instructors but they think they are. I highly recommend going online and reading reviews about different teachers before you sign up for a course.

There you have it, the three most important things to do as you start on your adventures with beginner witchcraft. Good luck and blessed be!

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