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Most Popular Computer Programming Languages

Most Popular Computer Programming Languages

Most Popular Computer Programming Languages

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 Most Popular Computer Programming Languages

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If you are a budding computer genius you definitely want to know what the most popular programming languages are. Despite what your mother may have told you, popularity does matter; at least when it comes to programming languages. If you're going to take the time to learn a complex computer software and hardware programming language, it's important to know that the skills you're acquiring will be useful in the real world.

Many surveys have been conducted in the effort to determine the most popular programming languages. These surveys also consider factors such as the applications written in that language, available jobs requiring skills in the language, developers using the language and number of Web searches for that language when the results are put together. These are the languages programmers need to know now—the ones to learn before you even think about getting a job in the field. Some are more important than others. C, C++ and Java are among the most important. There are literally hundreds of programming languages out there, and countless computer-related publications have tried to quantify what the five, 10 or 20 best are.

Some of the most popular languages that programmers need to know include the following:

C, C# and C++
Unix Shell Scripts
Visual Basic

Depending on which publication is conducting the research and who responds to the survey, these might be in any number of combinations on a list of the most popular. Some might not be included in some lists, and others might be at the top in one list and the bottom in another. All of the programming languages in this cluster would be worth the time if you are thinking about learning them. If you are planning on going into a specific career field you should definitely learn about the specific languages that you will need to use for that type of work as well. With the right programming language knowledge, there's no telling where your career can go.

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