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The Top 8 Most Common Perennials

The Top 8 Most Common Perennials

The Top 8 Most Common Perennials

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 The Top 8 Most Common Perennials

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Perennials are plants that live for more than two years.  The plants will grow during the warm season, appear to die during the winter and amazingly, will start to grow again from the plants roots or base the next season.  Some perennials are better known than others.  Here is a list of the most popular perennials, and their characteristics, that you will find in gardens everywhere.

1) Clematis

Clematis are a type of climbing vine.  They are well known for their large, colourful blooms.  They need a trellis for support and will twine around the support as they grow upwards - anywhere from 8 to 12 feet tall.  

Care Requirements:  Medium.  They need full sun and moist, but well-drained soil.  Plant them in the spring.  Choose an area that can accommodate their growth - especially the height - because once they are settled in, they won't want to move!  Finally, remember to water them once a week.

2) Daylilies

These flowers only open for one day, hence the name of the flower.  Many people don't realize this, as each clump has several stalks in it and each stalk has multiple flower buds.  Therefore, daylilies will produce flowers for several weeks.  As well, some varieties will bloom for a second time in one season.

Care Requirements:  Easy.  They require very little water during the season.  Also, they are very resistant to pests and diseases.  

3) Garden Mums

They bloom in the fall to add a nice bit of colour as the summer flowers start to fade and die off.  They come in a wide assortment of colours.  In fact, the only colour they don't come in is blue.  The more common varieties are found in all garden centers, but specialty varieties are harder to find and will need to be ordered from a nursery.  They generally don't bloom in the summer, but their dark green leaves are full and have an interesting shape to them.

Care Requirements:  Easy.  Divide and transplant every 2 to 3 years in the spring, otherwise the plant will not flower.  Leave the plant alone in the fall.  In the spring, as new shoots start to appear, cut off the dead foliage from the previous year, as this will help the plant to survive the winter.  

4) Geraniums

They provide vibrant colours for your garden and are well known for their bright red flowers.  They thrive well in containers.  Plant them alone or with other plants to provide colour and richness to your garden.

Care Requirements:  Medium.  Bring them inside over the winter because they don't like the colder temperatures.  Then you can place them outside again during the summer.  Also, they love lots of light.  If properly taken care of, geraniums can live for 20 years or more.

5) Hostas

They come in a variety of colours and sizes, so make sure to read the label before you buy - hostas do best when they have room to grow.  They are best known for their large leaves with colour variations showing on the edges.  

Care Requirements:  Easy.  They like the shade.  The only pest that will disturb a hosta is a slug, so be on the lookout for these pests and deal with them promptly.  Hostas can easily be divided to create new plants.  Finally, they can be grown in either the garden or in containers.  

6) Peonies

They love the sun and will bloom in late spring for a short period.  There are two main types of peonies: the tree types that are actually small shrubs and loose their leaves in the fall, or the herbaceous types that will die off and need to be cut back to ground level every year.

Care Requirements:  Medium.  Place compost around the plant every fall to add more nutrients to the ground.  As well, fall is the best time to plant peonies.  In the spring, add stakes or hoops to support the peony as it quickly grows during the season.  Deadhead flowers as soon as they die off and enjoy the lush foliage that will remain for the rest of the season.

7) Roses

Roses are very popular because they have such a long blooming period.  They have been used for centuries as a way to communicate feelings, depending on the colour of rose chosen.  For example, red is associated with love; yellow with joy; orange with excitement; and white with purity.

Care Requirements:  Medium.  They need lots of sun.  They also need well-drained soil that is rich in nutrients, so be sure to add compost or manure every season.  

8) Shasta Daisy

Daisies are a childhood favourite - who hasn't pulled the petals off a daisy, one-by-one, as a child?  Daisies can be taken for granted because they have such a simple, classic look to them, but they really do bring joy to everyone who sees them.  

Care Requirements:  Medium.  Divide every 2 to 3 years in the spring.  Apply a fertilizer formulated for perennials twice a year - once in the spring and again in mid-summer.  Deadhead all spent flowers and in the fall, you will need to cut them back to ground level so that the plant can concentrate on storing nutrients in its roots for the winter.

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