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Using School Videos As a Classroom Tool

Using School Videos As a Classroom Tool

Using School Videos As a Classroom Tool

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 Using School Videos As a Classroom Tool

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School videos offer many advantages to teachers. This is not to say that you're using the TV screen as some sort of plug-in drug for classroom control - it has been done, and it shouldn't be. Far from it. Used wisely, school videos can enhance your pupils' learning no end. Teachers often comment on how pupils tend to remember what they have seen on video much better than information presented by old-fashioned "chalk and talk" methods.

Here are just a few of the ways that school videos can be used as a valuable learning tool that is like no other.

Tips for using videos in class

• School videos are the only real, practical way to undertake film studies. Can you imagine trying to take a class to the movies - assuming that a film you want to study is actually showing? Videos can also be paused to allow the teacher to comment on or to highlight a certain point along the way.

• Along similar lines, a video can help literature students understand the important parts of pieces of literature, as the video brings a script to life. A must for all Shakespeare studies!

• A video can take your students to places that it would be impossible for them to visit. This sort of video can range from the humblest primary level Magic Schoolbus adventure through the human circulatory system or down a volcano, to a sophisticated video on the outer reaches of the System or the Milky Way galaxy.

• Videos are an easy way to be exposed to ideas and images from around the world.

• You may not be able to demonstrate certain scientific ideas or experiments in the classroom practically or safely, but a video can be used to demonstrate what you need to teach. Other experiments that require more time than is feasible for a classroom period can be shown on video with the "boring bits" edited out.

• Videos, thanks to their blend of using music, graphics and speech, are also able to appeal to many different learning styles, especially the visual learners.

• Good educational videos are more than just "classroom videos" but are true "school videos" that link multiple subjects. A science video may provide the stimulus for a creative writing session. A period film can be used as part of a history lesson. The possibilities are endless.

• Videos with subtitles can assist students whose first language isn't English.

• Complex ideas can be presented in an easy-to-understand way by use of animations, first-rate graphics, etc.

• Videos can help to dismantle stereotypes as they show people in jobs and situations that are different to the "norm" of your pupil's home environment.

But it is important that school videos are used in the right way. There's more to using video as part of a teaching tool than plugging in, turning the seats around and pressing "Play." All too often, teachers miss out on valuable teaching moments by not using videos to their full potential.

But you don't have to make these mistakes. Do you want to avoid "The 7 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make Using Video in the Classroom" and want to start experiencing the benefits of using video effectively in your classroom instead? Then your next step is to download a free copy of Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make right now and transform your experience of using school videos.

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