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6 Things I Learned About Niches From Dummies Books

6 Things I Learned About Niches From Dummies Books

6 Things I Learned About Niches From Dummies Books

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 6 Things I Learned About Niches From Dummies Books

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It has been said that if you can find a book from the popular Dummies series about a particular topic, or niche, then that may be a good candidate for a profitable website. Even if the topic of the book is too broad, the book may give you ideas for a sub-niche. The bottom line is that popular topics can lead to profitable websites, and Dummies Books tend to be popular.

Let's examine the top 20 Dummies books from a given day, by using a list of the bestselling ones from a popular online book seller. What topics did I learn were popular?

Lesson # 1 - Computer Topics are Popular

The top 3 selling Dummies books on the day I did this research were all about computer topics.

- 1 - WordPress

- 2 - Office 2007

- 3 - Excel 2007

Note that Excel is actually in the top 3 twice, since it is a part of Office 2007. Would you hazard a guess that lots of people want to learn how to create spreadsheets and WordPress Blogs?

To top that off, Quickbooks 2009 was # 4, Facebook was # 9, and Windows Vista was # 11.

Lesson # 2 - Traditional Topics are also Popular

You might be surprised to find English Grammar (#15), Robert's Rules (#17), and Personal Finance (# 19) all in the top 20. People want to have good communication skills and a good handle on their personal finances. Perhaps the loss of lots of jobs recently led to those 2 topics being popular.

However, what in the world are Robert's Rules? With Robert's Rules, you'll not only discover how to hold more effective meetings, you'll get advice for dealing with malcontents or monopolizers who can disrupt, derail, or prolong meetings. And you'll get great information to use in a leadership position. Ahhh, just the thing to help get noticed and get a promotion.

Lesson # 3 - Investing is In

At # 6, # 10, and # 16 respectively were Stock Investing, Currency Trading, and Investing. Perhaps a lot of you no longer trust your employer's investment plan and want to control your own retirement fund. I know that currency trading (Forex) sites have been hot of late, and stock investing is probably one of the ever-green topics.

Lesson # 4 - Healthy Bodies

We have 2 health related topics in the top 20. At # 8 is Living Gluten-Free, and at # 18 is Diabetes. Interesting that both of these are about specific problems. What have your mentors been telling you? Find a problem that lots of people have, and solve it for them, and they will love you forever.

Lesson # 5 - Miscellaneous Topics

Another 5 books from the top 20 cover a variety of topics.

- 5 - Catholicism (not only healthy minds and bodies, but also healthy souls)

- 7 - Nikon D90 (a particular digital camera model)

- 12 - Solar Power Your Home (environmentally sound)

- 14 - Beekeeping (in the pet category!!!)

- 20 - Chemistry (wow! an academic choice in the top 20)

Lesson # 6 - One More

I left one book out. If you are keeping a checklist you will know that it is lucky # 13. Do you build websites? Do you want lots of visitors? You need this last book. Search Engine Optimization, or commonly called SEO.

The End

There you have it. Some insight into what people want to learn. Can you be their teacher? If you can, you will probably have a successful website. Keep in mind, though, that sales slowly change over time, and this top 20 list may already be at least partially out of date by the time you read this article

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