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Flash V Jquery And Javascript Exposed

Flash V Jquery And Javascript Exposed

Flash V Jquery And Javascript Exposed

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 Flash V Jquery And Javascript Exposed

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When Macromedia released Macromedia Flash in 1996 web designers fall to their knees and shouted halleluiah. With the help of its scripting language called the ActionScript, Flash took animation to a different level altogether. Now web designers were able to create animations using a timeline and vector design tools as a video. Flash was a great solution for web designers to provide visitors sleek animated websites that where small in file size. The only thing that web surfers need to enjoy the sites using flash is to install Macromedia Flash Player.

Since the arrival of JavaScript in 1997, JavaScript has been the main contender in the race to replace Flash with animation support that does not rely on a plug-in player. Then in the year 2006, jQuery came into being and became the most popular JavaScript to be used by the web developers.

This is now almost sure to happen because of the growing number of JavaScript frameworks like JQuery, becoming popular as a result of their high scalability, performance and usability. jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and AJAX interactions for rapid web development. Other popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks include MooTools,, Prototype, among others but increasing jQuery is becoming the framework of choice for animation support.

jQuery emphasises the interaction between JavaScripts and HTML, whereas Flash is a multimedia platform which can control vector and raster graphics and even support bidirectional streaming of audio and video. The usability of these JavaScript and HTML helped to create popular animation and interactivity to a plain and simple webpage, that was not possible before. There are various other interesting things that one can do with these two applications, which is slowly taking over the world.

Using jQuery instead of writing JavaScript from scratch saves time and simplifies the process, as well as being lightning fast. Hundreds of lines of JavaScript a few lines of jQuery. One of the best things about using a JavaScript library are the thousands of plug-ins for jQuery published as well as the large community support for this project.

The versatility of jQuery is truly quite astounding making it a much better alternative to Flash.

Pros of Flash

Some of the plus points of Flash include its extensive features, 3D capabilities, uniform appearance in supported browsers, built-in User Interface and support of vector artworks, and lots of font options.

Pros of jQuery

With jQuery, the file size is much smaller, there are numerous free professional quality programs that one can use, various types of interactivity can be added to the webpage elements and its tags and its compatibility is much higher compared with that of Flash, which includes iPhone, cell phones, PS3 and PSP. The fact that it is compatible with mobile and there is even a JQuery mobile framework is what makes it so superior to its predecessor.

Flash V jQuery conclusion

If you are creating a Slide Show, Form Validation, Drop-down Menus, Tabbed Panels, Pop-ups & Tool-tips, and Expandable & Collapsible Elements it is ideal to use jQuery.

If you are creating complex Animations, 3Ds and other forms of complex Multimedia, using Adobe Flash will still be best.

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