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Great Magic Secrets For Beginners

Great Magic Secrets For Beginners

Great Magic Secrets For Beginners

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 Great Magic Secrets For Beginners

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Before you even start learning magic secrets, you need to develop a character or persona for you as a magician. Probably the best character is you as yourself. Don't try to be like other magicians as what works for them might not work for you. People will be aware that you are trying to be someone else, and it doesn't usually work. If you are enjoying yourself, chances are audience will enjoy it too. Make sure you are trying to get something over to your audience. It could be as simple as 'things aren't what they appear to be'. You need to have a reason for doing something. Just starting a magic trick with out a reason is fairly pointless. However don't tell your audience what you're about to do as they will start looking for the trick. If you tell them you are going to make a coin vanish by magic they'll be looking to seeing how you do it.

Good magicians always have a great connection with their audience. They can make the audience laugh and feel included in what they are doing. Always practice your repartee, so you can say it without thinking. This way, if you are interrupted by comments from the audience for example, you will still be able to answer them and get back to what you are saying. Your repartee is another way of distracting your audience by telling them stories. It must be smooth and polished with no umms or aahhs.

With coin magic tricks, when you have faked putting the coin into the other hand, drop the hand that is still holding the coin down to your side and keep it there as naturally as possible. There are two main reasons for doing this. Because the hand is apparently empty it drops down naturally. The brain disconnects from it and forgets about it as it is not doing anything. You also want to take the audience's focus away from that hand, and dropping it to your side does this perfectly. Move the the empty (or distracting) hand first to draw the eyes of the audience then drop your other hand. This needs to be done quickly, otherwise it will be obvious to your audience. Have a slight delay after you bring the empty hand up and before you open it so you can focus the audience's attention on it. This delay need only be a second or so.

When doing your magic trick to make something vanish, you can blow it away, squeeze it out, throw it up into the air and let it disappear, drop it on the floor, rub it out or even shake it out. Adding a sound effect, such as a pop or a whoosh adds to your presentation. I'm sure you can think of other ways to make something vanish. Use your imagination.  Remember, you must always watch the hand you are using to distract them with.

The key to performing magic tricks is to practice and practice. The smoother your trick is the easier it is for the audience to believe it. Before you know it, you will be ready to learn more magic secrets to show to your family and friends.  Act as though it really is magic because if you believe it is magic, then the audience will as well.

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